
上一节课中,老师和大家吐槽了一下 'With the development of society' 这种看似万金油,实则是敌敌畏的开头句。没有看过这篇文章的同学们可以在博客中找到这篇文章。那么这节课,老师就和大家探讨一下什么样的开头句可以让人眼前一亮。



Whether__has triggered an intense controversy. ( in the realm of __)


Some people say that in spite of technological developments (e.g. Internet), books will always be an important source of information. Do you agree or disagree?


Whether books will remain a crucial source of information given that the modern technology such as Internet is developing exponentially has triggered an intense controversy.


Some say that team sports are good for children to prepare working life. Others disagree.
Discuss two views and give your opinion.


Whether or not team sports are beneficial, if not highly necessary, for kids to prepare for working life in the near future has triggered an intense controversy (in the realm of self-development.)


Some people think that tourists can learn very much about a place they are visiting on holiday while others think they cannot. Describe both these views and give your own opinion.


Whether tourists are able to draw a crystal clear picture about the attributes of the destination that they are visiting on vacation has triggered an intense controversy.

这一次,老师讲解了一个“闪亮瞎”的句型和3个对应的改写例句。Whether__has triggered an intense controversy ( in the realm of __). 希望大家可以灵活的运用这个开头句,摒弃上一篇干货所提到的病句 ‘With the development of society’ 。